Life Before Photoshop
with Joe Baraban
One-exposure, one-frame, one-click.

Please join us for an interesting, informative and fun presentation by world-renowned photographer Joe Baraban ( via live video conference on Friday, April 3, 2020 @ 7pm EDT.
This event is free but requires registration. Information on how to connect to the live session will be included in the registration confirmation.
Professional Photographer Joe Baraban will present images, stories, and how he “got-the-shot” from his 50 years of shooting professionally for clients from Coca Cola to Hennessy, Cessna to United Air Lines and Boeing, and from Microsoft to IBM and HP. He has shot the full line car brochures for Acura, Saturn, and Range Rover, not to mention campaigns for Acura, Jaguar, Mazda, and Ford. The tourism departments for Alberta, Canada, Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Texas have contracted Joe to shoot images for their state campaigns. Joe spent his early years shooting for AP, UPI,and was a Black Star photographer. Over the years, National Geographic, Life, Texas Monthly, Time, Geo, Newsweek, and the New York Times Magazine have used Joe for several of their editorial assignments. Teaching people how to use their artistic eye has always been one of Joe’s passions, and he’s conducted his personal workshops around the world and also with organizations including The Maine Media Workshop (twenty-seven years), The Santa Fe Workshop, The Julia Dean Workshop in Hollywood, The South Florida Workshop, The Pacific Northwest School of Art on Whidbey Island, The Texas Photographic Workshop, Objectif’s, a photographic organization in Singapore, and The Houston Center for Photography. Joe has also conducted continuing education classes at Rice University. Click Here to learn more about Joe.